Category: WOMEN’s HEALTH

It is difficult to take 1 hour off from your schedule for exercising when you are a busy housewife.

Often housewives tend to gain more weight than those who go out for their work. This is because they are so tied to the household chores that they find no time for exercises and workouts to keep themselves fit and healthy. While having a routine of 9 to 7 job has its own advantages, a housewife’s role is slightly more tricky from outside it seems that you have a lot of time on your hands, but only a housewife knows how difficult it is to settle on a routine. Every now and then they are occupied with some or the other household need. In the midst of all these the homemakers normally avoid their health and fitness and it eventually goes for a toss. Here are some tricks for beautiful housewives to keep themselves fit and healthy…. Continue reading

1. Organise your antenatal care early in your pregnancy

2. Eat well

3. Be careful about food hygiene

4. Take folic acid supplements

5. Exercise regularly

6. Begin doing pelvic floor exercises

7. Limit your alcohol intake

8. Cut back on caffeine

9. Stop smoking

10. Get some rest

Pregnancy is an ideal time to start taking really good care of yourself, both physically and emotionally. You give yourself the best chance of having a problem-free pregnancy and a healthy baby if you follow our simple guidelines: Continue reading

Breast cancer affects 1 in 8 women during their lives, and many of us know someone — a mother, sister, friend — who has had it. It is the second-leading cancer killer of women in the United States, next to lung cancer. Thanks to screening, breast cancer often can be found early, when the chance of successful treatment is best. In fact, many women are even cured of the disease. Continue reading